


Refreshing and delicious way to beat the heat this summer. Made with high-quality tea leaves, these cold brew teas are perfect for those looking for a cool and invigorating drink. With a variety of flavours to choose from, including fruity and floral blends. Each flavour is nuanced, sugar-free, and available in our signature plant-based sachets.

There's something for everyone in our Summer Cold Brew Tea collection.
有機莓果茶 931
草莓奇異果花茶 928
安赫爾水果香茶 (不含咖啡因) 932
有機檸檬生薑茶 954
經典英式早餐紅茶 512
有機檸檬芒果茶 933
西瓜青瓜水果綠茶 90G
長島草莓水果綠茶 950
橙黃白毫茶 940